EVENT 大当たりを出してまぐろを食べよう🐟世界まぐろデー期間 EVENT 【参加応募は14日まで!】『Super Bunny Man』× 「ツイキャスEsports」 大会🎮

コメント (28)

you seems to like that group lol
u r broadcasting i multiple apps at the same time now?
I feel sleepy too after watching u, Haha
I think u should take a rest now, I dont wanna see u in pain
oh yes, I understood now
its cz of working or staying same place for long time
y u yawning, I think u woke up just now
yes Chinese r awesome but they only like to talk in Chinese language
what's the secret of fast typing?
thanks for refering, actually here are so many Chinese and koreans, Haha