Premier Archive

5/19(日)(Sun)Kaepyon Live♡Angel Kaepyon

Expiration date: 7 days

Archives (1)

Otsukae-pyon! This is Kaepyon Tsukimori, Kaepyon!

Golden Week is over...!
How are you doing?

As for Kaepyon, I wanted to do live shows the most...! Everyday was full of live performances!

Kyushu, Tokyo, Ibaraki.
I enjoyed each and every one of them!

I'm relieved to have been able to welcome all the gigs in good spirits, but I'm also anxious for the day of the gigs to come soon!

I will do my best to look forward to the mini one-man show!
I hope it will be one of your fun too!

Let's make it a great day together, both at the venue and at the distribution! Waiting for you!
From Kaepyon! May 7, 2024.

Kaepyon Live♡ Angel Kaepyon

Japan Morning Time 8:00 start

¥2,000(Archive Two weeks)

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Live has already finished. Videos may be available, but please check the available period before purchase.
5/19(日)(Sun)Kaepyon Live♡Angel Kaepyon 2,000 JPY(tax included) more

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